Wednesday, 10 April 2013


I listen to a lot of reviews on YouTube, and certainly a good chunk of the books I read come from recommendations off YouTube. I have thought about doing my own BookTube channel but I don't feel I have the time. So instead I did a blog (I'm still trying to figure which direction/how I want to write my reviews) as of right now I don't have many people reading my blog which is fine as I like doing this, so if I have 5 or 500 views it doesn't really matter. Maybe one day I may venture into reviews on YouTube.
So I thought I would list my favourite YouTubers (see I did have a point)

Jennifer Fahy - She doesn't make videos on a regular basis, but I love her reviews.

SableCaught - So frigging smart I can feel my brain cells tingling when I listen.

Booksandquills - Loads of reviews, quality reviews and I love her accent.

The Readables - Again does loads of reviews and I love her style, her videos look awesome.

If anyone can recommend anyone else to me that would be fantastic, honestly I'm addicted to YouTube almost as much as books, when I cant read I'm watching YouTube (I have my phone with me when I shower) yes its that bad.

And the book everyone is talking about at the moment is Wither

Very mixed bag of reviews, I was thinking should I read it but it doesn't matter as I will end up reading it just because everyone is talking about it.

Wither Amazon UK

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