Sunday, 3 March 2013

SHOWTIME (Marvelle Circus, #1) Book Review

Link to amazon kindle book

This book follows the story of Laila, who is unhappy with her life and is given an opportunity to change things.
This book has very dark moments along with amazing descriptions about the circus and the acts, also some humor which just makes this book a good all rounder.
The backstories and characters are amazing you really feel like you know these people and I can imagine them so well, how they look/act.
I didn't realize just how much I was invested in everyone until the last few chapters where I was crying like a baby.
Chloe Kayne did an amazing job at putting you right there with everyone, I really felt like I was watching the circus and walking alongside the characters and I could understand why they reacted the way they did. I guess the best way to put it is everyone just felt so real they acted the way you would expect them to.
I loved this book, the only problems I had was the start I got the gist of what was going on but found it a bit confusing, and the first few chapters seemed to go a bit slow (alto I understand this as you need all the back stories, and details as this is the 1st book) but wow this book really took me along for the ride.
I'm really sad towards the end when it said next one is due 2014.....I can't wait


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