The story revolves around a young girl named Kyouko who went with her childhood friend, Shou, to Tokyo to pursue his dream of becoming an idol. Despite her supporting him, she overhears him dismissing her as a boring wallflower. Furious, Kyouko vows to get her revenge by defeating him in the entertainment world.Read more at
My Thoughts
I wasn't too sure what to think when I came across this anime, just didn't seem that interesting. The reviews I have seen online though said how good this anime was so that why I decided to give it a go. To start with I wasn't really feeling, it not sure if it was the style of the anime but I stuck with it. I'm glad I did.Kyouko is such a funny character I really loved her she is a really strong person. I loved the drive behind all the characters and all of there flaws. The characters really make this anime you find out their stories, and they aren't mean or nice just because they are, there are reasons behind everything that is done or how people act.
The comedy is great and it also has a serious side, you get to find out what goes on behind the glamor. The character development is great, and they all have depth to them. I wish there was a second series.
It just has such a great mix of everything and its done really well. There is some romance but it doesn't dominate the show. Its really fun and I enjoyed it a lot which is great especially when you don't expect it.